Our Kintergarten School

We at Beena Vaidya International Public School believe that the children under the age group of 1 to 6 yrs are supposed to get growth and expansion in the field of school academics as pre-schoolers. To afford the holistic development akin to cognitive, social, expressive and interacting skills or in general the development of the kids counting with a variety of maturity and knowledge in a childlike considerable, emotional, exciting, mental, ethical, fine motor, gross motor, verbal communication, education, admiring, response etc. with other individuality build up at this phase. To promote an intelligence of self-determination and an optimistic personal likeness in the general public also grow. To take care of acceptance and admiration intended for others in the course of the value for adults and love affection for the youngsters generate among the kids. When children build up and becoming to be the adults, we desire them by including them to adopt the essential continued existence skills or intelligence such as language and Vocabulary skills with sight words.

Independent encouragement, the aptitude to converse on one’s individual’s favour, is an imperative and commanding effect for offspring and grownups, particularly the individuals with ailments.

By gaining the culture in advance with competencies that encourage the independence as an immature child, we commence to concrete the approach for them to successfully utilize their accent or other resources to converse up and doing on their personal morals. At this stage whilst the brood encompasses the aptitude to interact merely in their mother tongue, they acquire the thought and inspiration of understanding or to communicate themselves in English and Hindi languages in the society, which they are conscious of.

Independent encouragement, the aptitude to converse on one’s individual’s favour, is an imperative and commanding effect for offspring and grownups, particularly the individuals with ailments. By gaining the culture in advance with competencies that encourage the independence as an immature child, we commence to concrete the approach for them to successfully utilize their accent or other resources to converse up and doing on their personal morals. At this stage whilst the brood encompasses the aptitude to interact merely in their mother tongue, they acquire the thought and inspiration of understanding or to communicate themselves in English and Hindi languages in the society, which they are conscious of.
We at Beena Vaidya International Public School follow the Indian education system structured as follows;
Pre-school, which comprises Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) enrols children in Nursery (infants upto three years), lower kindergarten (LKG) (three to four yours olds) and upper kindergarten (UKG) (four to five year olds). This caters to infants and children upto six years of age. Pre Primary Education can be defined as “a set of knowledge along with skills and experience as well as behavioural rules which provides the essential for coping successfully in everyday life and at school.” This is acquired at a child care institution.
Features of Pre Primary Education –

  • To afford the holistic development akin to cognitive, social, expressive and interacting skills or in general the development of the kids.
  • To promote an intelligence of self-determination
  • To take care of acceptance and admiration intended for others
  • Putting children on a path of life long learning.
  • Exposure to enhance communication skills
  • Social interaction is the most important feature of Pre school education.
  • Both fine motor & gross motor development takes place by the various NEWS performed in Pre school education.
  • Phonological awareness
  • Pre writing skills developed by the use of colouring with crayons and writing on blackboard

The subjects taught and trained at Pre Primary level of School Academics for holistic developments are:

  • 1. English Language & Text: English Language children at this stage learn the phonic sounds which are related to accent of 2 to 3 letter words and gradually it goes on for 5 to 6 letters. Where as in text they start reading and learning the sentences from the prescribed text books.
  • 2. Mathematics: In Mathematics children grasp the knowledge of Numerals from 1-100 in the form Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Place Value, Greater & Smaller than, word Problems, Money etc.
  • 3. EVS (Environmental Studies): Environmental Studies means to acquire the knowledge of nature where they study about plants, animals, fruits, flowers, physical features of the surrounding, Sun –who gives us light and energy, clouds, Rain, Water etc.
  • 4. Kannada Language: At this stage the students learn the basics of vernacular language in order to have the strong foundation for their Second Language for their further education.
  • 5. Hindi Language: Students learn to appreciate the other languages and try to communicate in the other languages happily. They are taught the fundamentals of the Hindi language.
  • 6. General Knowledge: About parts of the body, Digestive system, names of the fingers, tooth, Different system of body organs, Personal Hygiene our great freedom fighters, prayers, National Anthem, Patriotic songs, Pledge etc.
  • 7.Art & Craft: How to draw the objects and colour them with different concepts of colouring. Craft would be concerning with Origami (paper folding- Japanese Art).
  • 8.Work Experience[SUPW] : is a "purposive productive work and services related to the needs of the child and the community, which will be proved meaningful to the learner. Such work must not be performed mechanically but must include planning, analysis and detailed preparation, Students learn to work as a team, with skill and deftness.

  • To cap it all our systematic early childhood care education provides substantial and concrete foundation for the primary education.